If I’m honest, my first computer was probably the one we shared as a family. My father had to work on it all the time though, so I was only allowed to get on the internet twice a week for one hour. There was not much to do back then either, I remember having a Facebook account just so I can play with a game where I had to build and farm on an island and I also just played with other online games.


I think I was in high school when my father got a new computer and I got his old one, this time I could have it in my room. I don’t even remember the brand of it just that it had Windows software. I used it for school, editing photos, videos and social media, as it became an important part of everyone’s life. Over time it gotten slower but that was okay because the real slow trouble began just after that.

That was my first laptop which I needed for university. Also taken on from my father, it was old, huge, heavy and the slowest thing ever. It taught me patience, and ever sincet hat thing I appreciate every properly working device. It was a Dell laptop and had like, zero battery on its own, it died in five minutes if wasn’t plugged in. But we’ve been through good times and bad times together.